U.N. Certified Packaging which are tested and approved by appropriated national authorities must be used for all forms of Transport Packing Performance established by a variety of tests which can include pressure, drop and stack testing.
Approval is subject to all packing being of specific design types including closures, conformations and when required absorbent filling. Successfully tested packing are allocated U.N. Mark indicating the type of packing, the packing groups allowed, weight and pressure limitations, authorization for liquids or solids and the certificate registration number.
Air Freight Cargo provide a comprehensive range of U.N. Certified packaging suitable for the transport of most classes of dangerous goods. The company has a considerable expertise designing and supplying U.N. Packaging and can advice on any particular requirements of difficulties experienced in the field.
Complete logistic & packaging under one roof.Specialized in handling hazardous cargo by air & sea.U.N. certified packaging supplier.Hazardous declaration & labels distributionIATA dangerous books official distributors